An agile Active Directory is the key to management of identities, as it is a map between names and values. It is easier and faster than native tools to meet auditing and security needs in an organization while ensuring workflow success, business continuity and optimizing IT capabilities. The key aspect of office automation is to back a repository of directory that identifies all resources within a network and connects them to users and applications. Active Directory Management helps in achieving the task of bringing together resources, users, networks and access points. It provides a platform to enable better management of users with departmental-access to corporate services and business resources.
Avancer strategically integrates Active Directory Management brings value to existing network topology and protocols. It sets up a transparent system mechanism enabling users to access relevant resource. Listed below are the key features of Avancer’s Active Directory Management Solution’s integration:
Robust Directory that authenticates users for any enterprise level application. It paves way for tighten security, increased productivity and improved business continuity.
Proactive Identity Administration with integrated functionality. It is simpler and faster than native tools or point solutions and helps in meeting auditing requirements.
Streamlined security permissions with a comprehensive view of containers and associated objects. This enables enforcing access controls and eliminate excess privileges.
Intuitive reporting and alerting by filtering event. Use report data to configure event alerts and automate alert-based actions, enabling quick response to improper changes.
Backup and Recovery through automated scheduling provisions. Recovering Active Directory ensures business continuity in situation of unwanted changes in the system.
Simple Group Policy Management based on role, departments and access protocol. Stay on top of any changes made on group policy with automated checks.
Ensuring authentication against any enterprise level application, directory services are required. We, at Avancer, help clients in create a robust directory services. The solution strategically integrates with business requirements helping in setting up of a comprehensive, high-performance system.
Reach out to experts at Avancer to integrate Active Directory Management in your organization.