Experience real-time event monitoring and platform encryption
Secure your apps and monitor events in real-time to attain platform encryption with Salesforce Shield
Secure your apps and monitor events in real-time to attain platform encryption with Salesforce Shield
The powerful real-time monitoring tool of Salesforce Shield offers insights for
enforcing compliance. Access event log files, manage notifications and download data.
Access the statistics of the encrypted data and explore the insights of events. Ensure the audit & compliance guidelines are adhered with Salesforce shield tools.
Get familiar with the fields to be encrypted and fix compatibility issues. Understand the need to encrypt the data and get personalized recommendations.
Track performance of the events in real-time and access the available data by using salesforce analysis tools.
Keeping in mind, the increased level of vulnerability entering the ecosystem, it becomes important to protect customers’ privacy and enhance their security. With Salesforce Shield, Avancer’s comprehensive security solution, enterprises can focus on improved levels of trust and compliance. We prioritize on helping clients, explore and implement a diverse set of security options by defining, executing and monitoring your organization’s existing strategy.
The security add-ons for a business are beneficial in safeguarding confidential information while improving the customer experience. With Salesforce Shield, encryption key acts as the advanced resource for the organization with the customized option. The field encryption has to be enabled on the platform in order to protect the user accounts and confidential information. In case, you are experiencing issues in setting up the encryption key or want to add another layer of security, contact our customer support team to get it done.
Salesforce Shield, the powerful suite of security products is designed intuitively to add layers of security to your business. Protect the confidential information of your clients with multiple phases of data protection. Get familiar with the mechanism of the Shield before availing its security functions.
Building extra levels of trust and introducing transparency in the enterprise, hence, the achieving compliance in the business processes becomes the vital factor while using Salesforce Shield. Salesforce Shield ensures a comprehensive security solution is offered to your business while conducting necessary audit to meet compliance level.
Users’ privacy should not be compromised, but you should equally secure your business data from malware or unauthorized access. Keeping in mind the overall security, Shield offers you a full suite of security options to monitor events seamlessly. Stay updated with the activities being carried out by the users while extending them safe browsing and data accessibility.
Assess the effectiveness of security controls and understand the metrics of performance management with the Shield. Experience the real-time reporting solution by tracking False Positive Reporting Rate (FPRR) and get accurate network security data. The business
Data encryption is one of the major pillars of security extended to users while accessing information online. With the advanced security features of the Shield, keep out chances of cyberattacks, secure digital data shared online through multiple encryption algorithms.
Comprehensive and definite security solution for apps: Salesforce Shield
Salesforce Shield is designed to improve the security controls of a company’s network. With the constant event monitoring and custom data encryption options, our Salesforce Shield protection offers comprehensive Compliance & Audit solution according to business requirements of the clients. Besides, the accurate performance management of Salesforce Shield helps us in evaluating the modifications to be considered in the IT security of the client’s network. Determine the access rights by improved technology and intuitively designed interface of Salesforce Shield platform. If you have any query regarding the advanced security software or want to seek consultation, then, write to us at info@avancercorp.com.
The strategic insights brought together by our partners and Avancer’s experts, have been instrumental in channelizing adoption of enterprise-transforming business applications.If you have expertise in any aspect of IT Security or Big Data, let us collaborate.
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