HR – Cerner

Human Resource and Cerner
Integration for productive employee
lifecycle management!

Healthier workdays for better employee work-life balance

Healthcare organizations in the wake of providing the best care to patients and caregivers, often fall behind employee care. This, in turn, affects the productivity and service of the said organization – as happy employees make happy customers. Managing employees and their roles, access control, governance, audit compliance, and identity management in this era of digital identities seem a complex challenge unless you are equipped with an advanced IAM system. Integrating your HR system with Cerner allows you to achieve all the healthcare-HR roadblocks effectively with Avancer. Irrespective of what HR software you have inhouse, Avancer HR-Cerner integration eases off your workforce management issues.

Challenges in HR – Cerner Integration

  • How long does it take to create and manage new users and offer them access through HR – Cerner integration?
  • How long does it take to synchronize information between HR and Cerner?
  • How does the employee removal system in Cerner works upon an exit from the organization?
  • Do you facilitate day-one access to clinicians for Cerner system access based on their roles? If yes, then the provisioning is automated or manual?
  • How many password-reset requests you manage on a monthly basis and how?
  • How Federation services for Cerner and HR integration are carried out?
  • How Rights management services for Cerner are done?
  • Does Privilege access management with Cerner is troublesome for your HR system?

How Avancer integration for HR and Cerner integration bring value to your business?

Creating a healthier workforce is the sole purpose of HR and Cerner integration by Avancer. Be it managing their offs, work-schedules, rosters, and role changes from time to time an effective integration brings synchronized solutions for the organization without affecting patient care, no matter how big the organization is.

  • Smart User Synchronization
    Creating, upgrading and deleting users, aggregating user data, as well as eliminating login-related through credential integration for HR and Cerner.
  • Effortless Implementation
    Enabling the HR system and Cerner integration helps gather all identities using a fast and simple process.
  • Access Integration for Applications
    Users’ access consistency is achieved depending on entitlements (positions), groups and department, access guidelines, and healthcare industry regulations.
  • Minimizes Costs
    Operational costs are lowered with a more productive employee base at work. Automated systems propel employee retainment at its best.
Avancer integration for HR and Cerner integration

Advantages of Avancer HR system and Cerner Integration

HR and Cerner integration from Avancer allows your healthcare enterprise to attain the following solutions effectively:

  • Easy EMP lifecycle management, password management, authentication, and template assignment
  • HIPAA and other healthcare regulatory compliant within a secured development
  • Cerner data is shared between personnel and systems
  • Faster and seamless connectivity to technology within a reliable setup
  • Quick and easy access for employees to adapt to their various role assignments
  • Enables best services to patients and authorized caregivers with an effective workforce
  • Streamlined Cerner system management for user-onboarding and deprovisioning
Avancer HR and Epic integration offer a robust employee lifecycle management environment for healthcare institutions. It ensures that identity and IT security protocols are incorporated at their best preventing unauthorized access to systems. This is achieved by deprovisioning ex-employees and dormant users post their exit or department change. Audit and other regulatory compliances are attained using the right access control to systems and applications within your healthcare IT setup.

Enabling HR to explore the benefits of Cerner healthcare system

Feel free to connect with us for more information on HR-Cerner integration!