Identity Disruptors Whitepaper

Identity disruptors: How verifiable credentials, policy, and
generative AI are reshaping identity

The traditional way of managing identity, wherein a single authority verifies and manages identities, is progressively encountering competition from decentralized identity technology. Learn how verifiable credentials, policy, and generative AI are reshaping identity security.

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, our understanding of the concept of identity is going through a significant shift. It is moving towards decentralized identity technology, providing individuals, organizations, and even systems and devices increased autonomy over their digital identities. Let’s understand how identity disruptors such as verifiable credentials, policy frameworks, and generative AI are reshaping identity by making it more secure, privacy-focused, user-centric, and interoperable.

Key Takeaways​

  • Decentralized identity technology
  • Verifiable credentials facilitating self-sovereign identity (SSI)
  • Policy enforcement as a crucial component of identity management
  • Generative AI facilitating adaptive and context-aware authentication​

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