Team Avancer

Avancer Corporation is a systems integrator focusing on State of Art Identity and Access Management technology. With over a decade of experience of integrating IAM solutions for world’s leading corporations we bring you some insights through our articles on Avancer Corporation’s Official Blog

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The term ‘Cloud’ rattles the uncertainty bone to a maximum for plenty of the world’s population today. To add to agony, the moment the cloud is being discussed, there are a hundred different reasons behind what the cloud is, and why said cloud is beneficial. There is plenty of jargon related to cloud, and why you should go IaaS, SaaS, DaaS….. XaaS and now we want to talk to you about IDaaS. We get to thinking about cloud as a UFO better known to the people from technical world.  In layman’s language cloud is a ‘server on internet’. Through cloud computing, we can store our ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Access management  is the systematic management of the access of resources by employees, partners, contractors and customers of an enterprise, whether manually, through coded applications, or automated. Automated access management requires identities, hence identity management is recommended for sound security. Several headings under access management include authentication, single sign-on, federated sign-on and privileged access management. Federated Access Management enables outside users to access resources which their organization doesn’t control.  For example, a hosted application which allows access to externally hosted applications without requiring account credentials. It provides a simple mechanism to identify, authenticate, validate, and authorize users and provide them ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Maintaining an organizations security is vital to its existence and development. In today’s age of globalization, businesses become increasingly collaborative and resources are availed of by a rising number of users. Therefore, organizations face complex challenges of maintaining their security as managing identities, authorizing and authenticating users to access sensitive enterprise resources becomes difficult and dangerous. With the escalating use of computers and mobile resources, it is becoming exceedingly difficult to manage organizational security. Identity and Access Management (IAM) which falls under the umbrella of IT Security, is the foundation of which your organization should rely on. IAM brings together all parts of ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Mobile computing gradually allows us to make the intangible “anytime, anywhere access” mantra a reality. Online social identities allow us to access web sites using existing identities from leading social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter. Mobile computing is blurring the difference between personal and business use. Many companies recognize the importance of personal mobile devices for business use; users can access corporate resources from their mobile devices at their convenience to improve productivity and companies can enable access to corporate resources through native mobile applications to improve user experience. However, introducing mobile devices in the enterprise presents ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Creating and remembering passwords is a modern-day inconvenience. Social single sign-on allows people to sign into their accounts using their existing social networks, fighting off the password fatigue that often comes with creating and remembering multiple passwords. Just sign in with your Facebook, Twitter, or Google account and you’re exactly where you left off. You can even skip the annoying signup process completely by using a single sign-on. This makes, typing in your address; email and phone number, a figment of your imagination. Matter of Concern Customers aren’t the only ones benefiting from SSSO. SSSO allows companies like Facebook, Google, etc to develop detailed user profiles to share ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Many people find the process of IAM upgrades to be highly annoying and disruptive as they consider it as a complete waste of time. However, upgrades are really important for several reasons; firstly, they solve problems or shortcomings of the software. Secondly, it is often experienced that support for older versions expire after the new versions have been introduced. Also additional functionalities and capabilities are required as technology landscape evolves to avoid security failures.  Picture having a flip phone, VCR, or a boom box in this day in age, you’ve made upgrades on those things in life, and upgrades will always be necessary, so ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
As commonly known, API stands for application programming interface, that helps bring together a wide range of business services in order to facilitate organizational growth. Similarly, an Identity API is a well-defined HTTP/S based service that makes everything from a single focused task (i.e. reset password) to the entirety of your Identity and Access Management infrastructure available to developers. One of the pioneering companies in this segment is Oracle. The Oracle API Gateway is an all-inclusive platform for managing, delivering and securing web API’s. It provides integration, acceleration, governance and security for API and SOA-based systems. It is available on Windows, Linux, and Solaris. For example, it enables ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Camouflage; a technique is most effectively used in defense services to hide from the opponent soldiers in the battle ground. With IDaaS, the concept of camouflage makes inroads to the world of technology. The fancy statement relating Identity as a Service (IDaaS)  and camouflage was made to highlight that the data is very much there on an intangible platform, saved from the present world predators, mankind has named them hackers, cyber criminals, social engineers, and more. The prevalent concern raised around cloud computing is security. Management of identities through cloud necessitates the need for IDaaS. It is, therefore, a united and integrated framework of internet enabled services, which allows authorization, authentication, ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Mobility is playing an ever-increasing role in the life of contemporary business, providing everyone with a new level of communications freedom. The commercial benefits associated with greater mobility have been recognized as a great stimulus for businesses looking to transform to new business strategies that capitalize these core strengths. Mobile devices and services enable companies to stand out from the competition by providing access to business information within a timeframe that customers appreciate. Analysts estimate that 50% of business applications will be accessed through mobile devices over the next couple of years. Undoubtedly, we are entering an era where business will redefine ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Jack owns a small and ambitious startup project. He deals with a stride of potential clients through his tiny army of professionals. Being at work on the go is what make Jack’s setup cast success. Competition is tough out there. Jack was never amused to notice that most of the target clients get poached by some other enterprise with competitive deal offerings. Sensing it as something more than a mere coincidence, Jack’s investigation revealed that a former team member, who now manages a rival enterprise, has been keeping an eye on Jack’s data. The alarming question was – how did the competitor get ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
Ever wondered what exactly keeps you craving for that dish you had last week or makes a dish standout from the rest? The Recipe!! I am sure if a recipe for supper interests you so much, the recipe to setting up the best security management solution for your organization must be giving you sleepless nights. There are different recipes or “Use Cases” as we call them which can add that different flavour to your organizational security. We would be talking about the 4 most widely accepted use cases below: The diagram below explains the entire IAM process cycle and each of the use cases will comply with the same process in their own different ways: Use Case 1: Internal(Intranet) SSO This ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer
How do you ensure that your implemented IAM process is being effective? In today’s dynamic business environment the, role of Identity and Access Management (IAM) is to ensure organization’s security is undeniably critical. An IAM aids greater efficiency, security, increased productivity and of course regulatory compliance within the organization by automating IT tasks and reducing costs and efforts of offering services. Given the complexity of implementing a successful IAM architect, an expert’s assistance can provide organizations with invaluable support in understanding the data and access requirements, user roles and regulations. IAM Advisory services act as a shield when it comes to assisting businesses to combat issues that may crop up at project deployment stage. When you are looking for a trusted partner ... Read More
05/11/2015Team Avancer